Great to have such a busy start to the month, today saw our seniors competing in the Hampshire Team Championships in Eastleigh; results and report to follow.
We ended January with the Kodokan Goshin Jutsu celebration. January marked the 60th anniversary of the formalisation of the event. It was great for our seniors to go throw it from start to finish and for our Junior Bears to discover the kata for the first time via Nerf pistols!
We have also gained some fame, when a popular facebook group featured one of our photos to create a Judo meme image.
Our Junior Bears group is slowly growing (Sundays 2pm) and one of the members created this awesome little poster; please do share it.
Later this month our University student members will compete in the British Universities Championships. We will be holding a belt grading before this and also preparing for more competitions. After grading everyone; we will be choosing another Kata to explore so let us know what you like. We are also trying to decide if we go to Malta in March.