An exciting week of training ahead, our normal coach Lance is away to the Almaty Judo Grand Prix with the IJF so we have 4 guest coaches to help you all.
Tuesday – Patrick Mballa.
Patrick starts the week, Tuesday is our standing techniques session. Most of you have been on the receiving end of some of his throws; so expect a good workout and some great tips.
Thursday – Garry Clark.
Garry after proving a successful camera man last week, take it up a notch and will be leading the groundwork session now his wrist is recovered to such a point he can come on share some moves before being able to get back into the randori himself.
Sunday – Jordan & Roland Fugh.
Week #2 of the Ju no Kata, Jordan Fugh & Roland Fugh have kindly agreed to guide the club through the second set of this interesting Kata. As we mentioned this week, there are aspects of yoga, Aikido and Tai Chi to be appreciated.
Those of you with partners who have never done Judo might consider bringing them along as this kata includes no throws and the movements are gentle and great movements for a light workout together.
Please to attend the session this week if you are able. Given that these four people are giving up there time to lead the sessions it would be fantastic to have good attendance please. Also, if some of the “regulars” could be there to help get mats laid, etc that would be great!
Of course, being nice and prompt (8pm/3pm) would be very helpful.
Have great week!