Southampton Summer Judo

The club has been going well through the spring. Those following us on the Southampton City Judo Facebook page  will have seen the photos and videos we have been posting recently.


This week our teen Judo session returns on Sundays at 2pm. It would be great if people could help us rekindle the fire and help promote Judo in local schools, youth groups, etc.

We recently hosted a randori for the Stephanie Inglis campaign. She has been moved from Vietnam to Thailand and her condition has shown some improvement. The medical bills stand at over £100,000 already however with the estimated cost of getting her home expected to be near that again. So if you have any available money; please consider donating (re-donating) at

As a result of the randori we have been invited to visit our friends at Matsumachi Judo Club and are scheduling a weekend to go across to Bournemouth to socialise and train together with them.

We are also looking to schedule another meal together shortly. With the nice weather it would be good to share a nice cool social drink together after training now and then, so stay tuned for when we will be doing that.

We have some big plans underway and will need to engage the collective power of people in the club to help us get better and better. To this end the plan is to hold a club meeting shortly to discuss our future plans with everyone interested and plan how we can make dreams reality. A date will be set this week.