Inter-Club event raises over £100 for #SaveSteph campaign.

On Saturday Southampton City Judo Club and Southampton Solent University hosted an inter-club training session and team competition.


Rather than charge a mat fee, donations were requested and the participants gave generously for Commonwealth Judo athlete Stephanie Inglis who is in a critical condition after a motor cycle accident whilst teaching in Vietnam.

Participants came from Southampton University Judo Club, Winchester University Judo Club, Matsumachi Judo Club (Bournemouth) and Southern Judokan  (Emsworth).

We would like to thank everyone for attending and giving so generously.

Online donations via

This weeks training programme

IMAG0163An exciting week of training ahead, our normal coach Lance is away to the Almaty Judo Grand Prix with the IJF so we have 4 guest coaches to help you all.

Tuesday – Patrick Mballa.

Patrick starts the week, Tuesday is our standing techniques session. Most of you have been on the receiving end of some of his throws; so expect a good workout and some great tips.

Thursday – Garry Clark.

Garry after proving a successful camera man last week, take it up a notch and will be leading the groundwork session now his wrist is recovered to such a point he can come on share some moves before being able to get back into the randori himself.

Sunday – Jordan & Roland Fugh.

Week #2 of the Ju no Kata, Jordan Fugh & Roland Fugh have kindly agreed to guide the club through the second set of this interesting Kata. As we mentioned this week, there are aspects of yoga, Aikido and Tai Chi to be appreciated.

Those of you with partners who have never done Judo might consider bringing them along as this kata includes no throws and the movements are gentle and great movements for a light workout together.


Please to attend the session this week if you are able. Given that these four people are giving up there time to lead the sessions it would be fantastic to have good attendance please. Also, if some of the “regulars” could be there to help get mats laid, etc that would be great!

Of course, being nice and prompt (8pm/3pm) would be very helpful.

Have great week!

Bank Holiday Closure

Southampton City Judo Club will be closed this Sunday May 1st, 2016.

This is due to the long weekend, so the next session will be May 3rd, 2016 – 8pm.


8pm Tuesday and Thursday

Hi everyone,
The club remains open over this period.

We hold senior open Randori sessions in Tuesdays and Thursdays (8pm).

Tuesday is tachi waza throwing techniques, Thursday ne-waza groundwork techniques.

All Judoka from any club are welcome, as are newcomers to Judo.


No Judo.March 27th

No Judo this Sunday (March 27th), but we are running our regular Thursday groundwork randori and Tuesday tachi waza randori.


Tuesday session was really busy with visitors from Southampton University Judo Club. So we are expecting lots of visitors over the next few weeks as some clubs take a break this time of year whilst we continue.

After 27th our technical Sunday sessions resume; the next few weeks are us wrapping up our Nage no Kata study.

Easter training

Southampton City Judo Club will be open over the Easter period coming up as normal… With the exception of March 27th when there will be no Judo as St Mary’s Leisure Centre is closed that day.


With many other clubs closed we are hoping for visitors on our Tuesday and Thursday night open Randori sessions. Sundays remain dedicated to Nage no Kata for seniors. The Sunday teen session at 2pm continues and we still have room for more new faces.

After Easter, we hope to arrange a kata visit to one of the friend clubs nearby. This will signal the close of our Nage no Kata training, with Ju no Kata being the next kata on our radar.

This week saw the return of some of our regulars so expect news of a social event soon.

Kata and Drinks

This afternoon was an enjoyable one, our Junior section though not large is growing slowly. We still need a few more secondary school aged participants to full the session.


Our senior section started on our next Kata; the Nage no Kata. This is one of the core Kata of Judo. It contains throwing techniques and provides opportunities to learn that are otherwise missed.

Afterwards, a group of us popped up to Bedford Place for a small social drinker together. We are hoping to grow the social side of the club so please do talk to others in the club about ideas for enjoyable activities we can do together.

Next session is our weekly tachi waza  Randori session on Tuesday at 8pm. Then our ne waza Randori seaaion on Thursday at 8pm. Before more Kata on Sunday

See you soon!
Novices are always welcome (we have quite a few at the moment) as are experienced players. We have been enjoying having a number of Dan grades helping raise the bar for everyone at recent sessions.

No Judo this Sunday.

This Sunday (February 21st), there will be no Junior or Senior Judo session.

This is because of half-term and the British Universities Championships, where the club has 3 players competing. The two first two being Aleks and Victor; the third being Ignas who although being from our friends at Southampton University Judo Club (and actually representing Manchester University) does share the tatami with us so we count him as part of our family.

We had planned on having our senior session on Sunday; but it now seems impractical. So apologies for not being able to run the session on Sunday.